Tuesday, November 20, 2012

rubik 7 + Streamer Monster

James Lynch, Andrew McQualter, Ricky Swallow and I started rubik in 1998.We wanted to try a different kind of operation to the quasi-institutional model of the artist run space.

We made photocopied books of artists' drawings, and also had a few shows in different places, with ourselves and other people we liked. We were all interested in drawing, and we felt they were an aspect of artists' practice that didn't get shown enough. There were some people we felt were very rubik  and others we thought were totally not rubik.

In 1999 when Ricky, James and I had studios at Gertrude Street, and Andrew lived down the street, we had this party.

I don't know if there are any photos around from the actual party. It wasn't super crowded, but it was fun.  I was supposed to hand out invitations at the VCA, where I was working, but I felt really shy and ended up just leaving them on the students' desks at about 4.30 on the afternoon of the event.

We hung streamers all across the big  windows, and I took these photos at the clean  up.

I showed them in this format at the Gertrude Street studio artists's show that year.

I did some paintings of the pile of streamers as well, and I almost put them in the show, but decided on the photos instead. There were 5 of these paintings and they hung in a horizontal line.

All photos Kenneth Pleban

Years later Blair Trethowan told me he really loved these photos, and that he wished  I'd show more of this kind of spontaneous photography.

For the show at Uplands organised as a tribute/fundraiser for Blair in 2008 I made a short video on my phone of Sam and the kids playing mini golf at Inverloch. I liked it because the kids keep walking and jumping through the course as Sam is trying to take his shot so he can't see what he's doing and they are oblivious. The idea was to text it to whoever wanted it. I don't have a copy any more - it was on my phone which got wet going through the George River at Lorne a couple of years ago.

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