Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Fade Outs

Back around the turn of the century I was very into the fade.

Around the end of 1998 I did these drawings with gouache on multiple pieces of butcher's paper. I used the biggest  I could find. I was very particular about which piece sat on top of what - there was an order - but I can't remember how I did it now, and it doesn't really make any difference when you look at the photos.

This was my contribution to  'Video vs Watercolour', a rubik show we put together in Andrew McQualter's bedroom. (photo Kenneth Pleban)

This was in the end of year studio artists' show at Gertrude St. Rose and Charlotte weren't very happy about it -  they thought it was drab. (photo - not sure- maybe me?)

These were smaller works done on better paper. (photos Kenneth Pleban) Then I started to make 3D 'real life versions'

I made these by cutting the corners off cardboard boxes and painting them. This was in the Arts Victoria offices.

Then I made these for my Studio 12 show at Gertrude Street. I made them out of sceneboard, so I could muck around with different angles and sizes, unlike the original ones where they were all right angles. The first ones were much more convenient to stack afterwards though. Kenneth Pleban took the photos.

Records indicate that I lost interest in the fade for a year or two. This show was in 2000, in the back room at First Floor.

The next and maybe last gasp of the fade out was at Sarah Cottier in September 2011. I did 50 of these small paintings, collectively called Dragon Lady. I also did some really big ones which didn't make it into the show. Sarah, Ashley and Nick thought I needed a wall drawing in there. It's called 'I'm too sexy for this wall'. Kind of different to my other wall drawings. These photos were taken by Ashley Barber.

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